Description String Industry
passionate about video games Editor AND starwars AND fps Computer Games
3+ years of extensive front end development experience and frameworks including JavaScript MVC Frameworks, AngularJS *3+ years of Java web development experience *1+ years of Restful web service (APIs) development experience *1+ years of experience in securing Restful APIs using Industry standard protocols *Experience with relational databases and NoSQL *2+ years of experience in User-Centered Design, including wireframing, usability principles, screen layout design and user testing *1+ years of experience designing full-service consumer and/or business applications *Experience with designing mobile interfaces and good understanding of major mobile OS visual/UX paradigms (''JavaScript'') (mvc) (Restful) (webservice) (NoSQL) (''User-Centered Design'') (''OS visual'' OR ''UX paradigms'') Computer Software
TSQL ("T-SQL" OR tsql OR "t sql" OR "t/sql") Computer Software
List of DevOps/Developer Tools Companies (Gitlab OR Databricks OR Confluent OR Rubrik OR Cloudbees OR Datadog OR "New relic" OR Mulesoft OR Netskope OR Overops OR Demisto OR Sentry OR CircleCI OR Atlassian OR Elastic OR "Duo Security" OR Duo OR "Pager Duty" OR Launch OR Darkly OR AppDynamics OR "New Relic" OR Cloudera OR ServiceNow OR Sysdig OR Dynatrace OR "Amazon CloudWatch" OR "Sumo Logic" OR TruSight OR Foglight OR Inspring OR Moogsoft OR Cloudera OR Splunk OR AWS OR OpsRamp OR LogicMonitor OR Puppet OR "Electric Cloud" OR BigPanda OR ShiftLeft OR Apcera OR BetterCloud OR SignalFX OR Streamsets) Computer Software
Engineering Leadership Title ("Head of Engineering" OR "Chief Technology Officer" OR "Vice President Engineering" OR "VP Engineering" OR "Director of Engineering" OR "Dir Engineering" OR "Senior Manager Engineering" OR "Sr Manager Engineering" OR "Sr Mgr Engineering" OR "Lead Engineer") Computer Software
Popular Python Libraries for Machine Learning and Data Science (Astropy OR Biopython OR Bokeh OR Cubes OR Dask OR DEAP OR DMelt OR graph-tool OR matplotlib OR Mlpy OR NetworkX OR Nilearn OR NumPy OR Pandas OR Pipenv OR PsychoPy OR PySpark OR python-weka-wrapper OR PyTorch OR SQLAlchemy OR SageMath OR ScientificPython OR scikit-image OR scikit-learn OR SciPy OR SCOOP OR SunPy OR SymPy OR TensorFlow OR Theano OR TomoPy OR Veusz) Computer Software
Python libraries (TensorFlow OR Scikit-Learn OR Numpy OR Keras OR PyTorch OR LightGBM OR Eli5 OR SciPy OR Theano OR Pandas) Computer Software
Data Science String (Head OR Lead OR Chief OR "Vice President" OR SVP OR VP OR Director OR Dir. OR Manager) AND ("Data Science" OR "Data Scientist" OR (Analytics AND Python)) Computer Software
Group to Director Product Management Titles ("Group Product Manager" OR GPM OR "Director of Product" OR "Product Director" OR "Director Product Management") Computer Software
String for finding Java Backend Engineers in California (Backend OR "Back End" OR Back-end) (Engineer OR Engineering OR Architect OR Software) (Java8 OR Java-8 OR JVM) (Kubernetes OR K8) (California) Computer Software