Description String Industry
IT DevOps Support (L2) (DevOps OR DevOp OR "Dev Ops") AND (Agile) AND (Security OR Securities) AND (Restful OR Rest OR Soap OR "Web Service" OR "web services") AND (JMS) AND ("IBM MQ" OR IBMMQ) AND (Ansible OR Docker OR Kubernetes OR Container OR containers OR Dockers OR ansibles) AND (Java OR Unix OR Python OR Zabbix OR Linux) AND (LDAP OR Integration) AND (VMWare OR Citrix) AND (AWS OR Azure OR Cloud OR "Amazon Web") AND (CCNA OR Certified OR Certification) AND (Database OR mysql OR Mongodb OR PostgreSQL OR Postgre OR Redis) Information Technology & Services
Enterprise architect ("Enterprise architect" OR “Technical architect” OR “Design Lead” OR “EI” OR architect) AND designAND appland (java OR J2EE) AND Scalable AND (ServerOR Websphere OR Weblogic OR JBoss) AND (XML OR MQ OR JSP OR JNDI OR JMS OR EJB OR JDBC OR Oracle) Information Technology & Services
Mainframe Architect - z/OS and subsystems. (“Mainframe Architect” OR “Mainframe Consultant”) AND Mainframe AND z/OS AND (CICS OR IMS OR MQ OR DB2) Computer Software
Java Kafka Developer with Azure Cloud ("Java" OR "J2EE") AND Azure AND ("azure devOp" OR "azure pipeline" OR "continous integration" OR "continous development" OR "continous deployment" OR "CICD" OR "ci cd" OR "jenkins" OR "ansible" OR "Git") AND Kafka AND ("messag* broker" OR "stream" OR "publisher" OR "consumer" OR "MQ" OR "active mq" OR "rabbit mq") AND (microservice OR "micro service" OR "micro-service" OR "restful api" OR "REST API") Banking
Web Developer- Mainframe (“web development” OR “web application” OR “web developer”) and Mainframe AND z/OS AND (CICS OR IMS OR MQ OR DB2) Information Technology & Services
Mainframe Network Engineer mainframe AND VTAM AND (TCPIP OR "TCP/IP") AND (CICS OR "CICS TG" OR "CICSPlex" OR "IMS/TM") AND (WMQ OR MQ OR "Websphere MQ") AND (zOS OR "z/OS" OR "zos") Retail
Mainframe Storage Engineer Storage AND (zOS OR "z/OS" OR "mainframe"VTAM OR "TCP/IP" OR CICS OR "CICS TG" OR "CICSPlex" OR "IMS/TM") AND (WMQ OR MQ OR "WebSphere MQ") Retail
Mainframe System Engineer (“system engineer” OR “mainframe” OR “zOS’ OR “z/OS” CICS) AND (IMS OR “IMS/TM” OR “WMQ” OR “MQ” OR “VTAM”) AND (TCPIP OR “TCP/IP” OR network) AND (monitor* OR “Omegamon” OR “sysview”) AND (“CICS” OR “CICS TG” OR CICSPlex") Retail